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Conference Presentations

Incorporating Parallel Evolution and Hybridization in Delineating Units under Species-at-Risk Acts

International Congress for Conservation Biology, Cartagena, Colombia, July, 2017.

Wilson, P.J., and M. Manseau.

Glacial retreat and the role of late Pleistocene and early holocene events in the origin of conservation units: Implications for woodland caribou in Canada.

The Wildlife Society, Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 2015.
Wilson, P.J., C.K. Klutsch and M. Manseau.

Edge and node properties of genetic networks.

The Wildlife Society, Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 2015. Invited by Drs. Brian Riechert and Robert Fletcher.

Bowman, J., R.R. Marrotte, C. J. Garroway, E.L. Koen and P.J. Wilson.

Testing for hybridization between deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) and white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus).

Genomes to Biomes: First Joint Conference of CSEE, CSZ, and SCL, Montreal, Quebec, May 2014.

McKay, M., J. Bowman and P. J. Wilson.

Adaptive genetic variation in Canada lynx.

Genomes to Biomes: First Joint Conference of CSEE, CSZ, and SCL, Montreal, Quebec, May 2014.

Prentice, M., J. Bowman and P. J. Wilson.

The sensitivity of genetic connectivity measures to unsampled and under-sampled sites.

US-IALE Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, April 2013.

Koen, E.L., J. Bowman and P.J. Wilson.

Proposal to Establish a Furbearer Data Repository in Support of the North American Fur Industry.

National Fish and Wildlife Conservation Congress, Ottawa, Ontario, May 2012.

Murray, D., PJ. Wilson, J. Bowman and R. Cahill.

Node properties of landscape genetic networks.

Annual Meeting of the US Chapter of the International Association of Landscape Ecology, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, April 2013. Invited by Drs. Melanie Murphy and Nusha Keyghobadi.

Bowman, J., E. L. Koen and P.J. Wilson.

A phylogeographical analysis of Woodland caribou in Canada.

1st Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology and the Canadian Society for Ecology & Evolution (CSEE), Ottawa July 6-10, 2012.

Klutsch, C.K., M. Manseau and P.J. Wilson.

Variance in spatial genetic structure in a continuous distribution of forest-dwelling boreal caribou.

1st Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology and the Canadian Society for Ecology & Evolution (CSEE), Ottawa July 6-10, 2012.

Wilson, P.J., L. Thompson, M. Manseau.

Does the population concept apply to woodland caribou?

1st Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology and the Canadian Society for Ecology & Evolution (CSEE), Ottawa July 6-10, 2012.

Polfus, J., M. Manseau, P. Galpern and P.J. Wilson.

Ecological determinants of genetic population structure in the Canada lynx.

1st Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology and the Canadian Society for Ecology & Evolution (CSEE), Ottawa July 6-10, 2012.

Row, J., C. Gomez, E. L. Koen, D. L. Murray and P. J. Wilson.

The sensitivity of genetic connectivity measures to unsampled and under-sampled sites.

1st Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology and the Canadian Society for Ecology & Evolution (CSEE), Ottawa July 6-10, 2012.

Koen, E.L., J. Bowman and P.J. Wilson.

Sex and scale specific genetic spatial structure in Rangifer tarandus caribou.

13th North American Caribou Workshop, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November, 2010.

Finnegan, L.A., M.C. Ball, M. Manseau and P.J. Wilson.

Genetic connectivity of woodland caribou in the North American boreal forest.

13th North American Caribou Workshop, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November, 2010.

Thompson, L.M., L.A. Finnegan, M.C. Ball, M. Manseau and P.J. Wilson.

How connected is the North Interlake caribou range? A landscape genetic approach.

13th North American Caribou Workshop, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November, 2010.

Galpern, P., M. Manseau and P.J. Wilson.

. A genetic assessment of the Designatable Unit status of Canadian boreal caribou ecotypes.

13th North American Caribou Workshop, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November, 2010.

Finnegan, L.A., M. Manseau and P.J. Wilson.

Estimating the size and trend of the North Interlake woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) population using fecal DNA capture-recapture models.

13th North American Caribou Workshop, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November, 2010.

Hettinga, P.N., M. Manseau, N. Arnason, D. Cross, K. Whaley and P.J. Wilson.

Patterns of cytochrome-b variation in the North American caribou (Rangifer tarandus).

13th North American Caribou Workshop, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November, 2010.

Smith, K.A.M., L. Finnegan, S.D. Petersen, M. Manseau and P.J. Wilson.

Genetic sampling of woodland caribou populations in Jasper National Park using winter-collected fecal pellets to estimate population demographics.

24th International Congress for Conservation Biology: Conservation for a Changing Planet, Edmonton, Alberta, July, 2010.

Hettinga, P.N., M. Manseau, M. Bradley and P. Wilson.

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